
More Money for Timmy

The San Francisco Giants and their star pitcher Tim Lincecum are in arbitration. Timmy wants $13 million and the Giants want to pay him $8 million. I don't know the legalities of baseball salary arbitration, but I do know that a lot of baseball fans are watching this story unfold. Lincecum has two back to back Cy Young awards under his belt which should provide some nice leverage for his case. The Cy Young award is given to the best pitcher in the league. He's only 25 years old! I say the Giants should give Timmy whatever he wants.

Back in October, Timmy was cited for marijuana possession but the charges were dropped. He is such a good pitcher that the MLB didn't even care. Ask your man if he knows what Lincecum's nickname is. The answer I have been getting is "The Freak." Apparently he earned that name from his very unique pitching style and not from his long hair or lack of dental care. I guess now with this massive raise, he can spend some money on braces.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure those charges weren't dropped. I think he just had to go to court, pay a fine and say he'd try not to get caught again.

    As for nicknames, I like Timmy Winswilcum
